
"I'll do what I want, GOSH!"

Watching Napoleon Dynamite on TV for the millionth time recently reminded me of one of the previous times I was watching it and decided to look something about it up on Wiki... and much to my delight, learned they're making an animated series out of it that will be debuting on Fox in 2012!!!

File:Napoleon Dynamite promo.pngFor those that watch Talking Dead each week after The Walking Dead, you might have heard a mention to this last week when Jon Heder (and Felicia Day! <3 her!!) were the guest commentaries.

I'm seriously freaking excited about this though!!!

They have the original cast from the movie back (minus Kips eventual wife Lafawnduh, as it sadly seems the series takes place without her) which makes it even more awesome!

The movie came out in 2004, near the beginning of my 3rd year of college, and when my former college roomie and I were just starting to hang out. This basically became our movie as over the course of our friendship we've watched it waaaay too many times to count (it was also our go-to movie when drunk, as we thought it was hilarious and could quote it word for word, lol... we even made a drinking game out of it!). Seriously, we LOVED this movie and whenever I watch it I think of the fun times we had together.

I am soooo excited for the TV show - hubby thinks I'm crazy, but I know he'll end up watching it with me.

My guess is that it'll air Sunday nights, during Fox's Animation Domination block with Family Guy and The Simpsons.

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