To complete 101 different goals within 1001 days.

Many people have created lists in the past – frequently simple goals such as new year’s resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as trips or outdoor activities among other things.
As I complete tasks on my list I will be blogging about them here and crossing them off the list below.
Start date: January 1, 2011
End date: September 27, 2013
1 - Play a board or card game at least once a month with hubby/family (0/33)
2 - Play through Lego Wii games at least once (0/3)
3 - Finish 6 TV series in our Netflix queue (0/6)
4 - Watch at least 2 Netflix DVDs and 2 Instant Queue movies a month (11/66, 11/66)
5 - Attend C2E2
6 - Go to a concert once a year (0/3)
7 - Go to Magic Waters once a season (0/3)
8 - Be a bridesmaid (in progress)
9 - Try Thai food
10 - Go to 10 restaurants we haven't eaten at before (3/10)
11 - Take a relaxing bubble bath with candles, wine and a book
12 - Make a pizza
13 - Go paintballing
14 - See a drive-in movie
15 - Make croissant rolls
16 - Consider having a 2nd child
17 - Plan/throw a bash for me and hubby's golden birthdays
Personal Growth
18 - Read at least 15 (non-children) fiction books (5/15)
19 - Take a fun community class
20 - Blog consistently
21 - Do something productive regularly with my design skills
23 - Update my portfolio online and make it look professional
24 - Complete the 365 day photo challenge
25 - Draft an official will
27 - Visit Sharestuff once a season
28 - “Take care” of hubby at least once a week
29 - Have a date with hubby at least once a month (5/33)
30 - Take an overnight with hubby once a year (1/3)
31 - Stay at Sybaris for a night with hubby
32 - Go on a double date
33 - Obtain our wedding video(s) (in progress)
34 - Encourage hubby to finish his book revision and send it off to publishers (in progress)
35 - Get Jay a racecar bed
36 - Potty train Jay
37 - Make a snowman with Jay
38 - Take Jay to a movie at the movie theater
39 - Take Jay to see Sesame Street Live
41 - Make said house “homey” (in progress)
42 - Mario-ize Jay's room (in progress)
44 - Do “light” cleaning once a week
45 - Clean floors and bathtub at least once, if not twice a month
46 - Buy a piano
47 - Move rest of belongings out of my parent's house
48 - Frame movie posters
50 - Obtain remaining VHS movies on DVD
51 - Host a PartyLite party once a year (1/3)
52 - Get a dog
53 - Visit in person with a friend once a month (6/33)
54 - Hang out with Jeny at least once each time she's visiting from Texas
55 - Have a movie night with mom or sis once a month (2/33)
56 - Help Jeny plan her wedding best I can from out of state (in progress)
57 - Have family over for dinner once a year (1/3)
58 - Have friends over for dinner once a year (0/3)
59 - Join a Bible study group
60 - Go to church at least once a month (3/33)
61 - Do a regular devotional
62 - Make an effort to tithe
63 - Donate clothes to charity twice a year (1/6)
64 - Participate in the Angel Tree program at church each Christmas (0/3)
65 - Make at least a $15 donate to Salvation Army for toys at Christmas each year (0/3)
66 - Finish a latch-hook project each year
67 - Make fun magnets
68 - Pay down credit card
69 - Pay off both laptops
70 - Pay off Aveo (my car)
71 - Build our savings account back up
72 - Get a newer mid-size car with A/C, power windows and power locks
Health & Fitness
73 - Get back to pre-pregnancy weight (164lbs)
74 - Hit 150lbs
77 - Fit into size 8 pants again
78 - Go for a walk at least once a week when weather is nice (in progress)
79 - Exercise at least once a week (in progress)
80 - Go to the dentist once a year (0/3)
81 - Go to the eye doctor once a year (0/3)
82 - Try a new brand of contacts
83 - Look into getting mole on side of my head removed
84 - Take a daily vitamin
85 - Look into LASIK if hubby gets promoted to fulltime during this time
Fashion & Beauty
86 - Get tattoo touched up
87 - Add to said tattoo
88 - Get a pedicure 3 times a year (2/9)
89 - Get a new pair of glasses
90 - Buy and look good in a pair of skinny jeans
91 - Obtain a new leather jacket
92 - Host a Mary Kay party once a year (1/3)
93 - Host a Lia Sophia party once a year (0/3)
94 - Go to a hockey game once a year (1/3)
95 - Attend a Cubs vs Sox game with hubby
96 - Go see the Cowboys play the Bears if they come to Chicago
97 - Spend a day in downtown Chicago at least once a year (0/3)
98 - Go on vacation somewhere once a year (1/3)
99 - Visit Museum of Science & Industry at least once during this
100 - Go shopping at Woodfield Mall once a year (1/3)
101 - Go to 6 Flags at least once during this time