Currently, I collect shotglasses (although I do love snow globes too!), but for me as a kid (and even still) I collected Wizard of Oz stuff.
I loved the movie and wanted to be Dorothy - I'd have my mom put my hair in braided pigtails just like hers and I had little woven straw purse that I would a carry a grey Pound Puppy around in, calling him Toto. Discussing it recently with my mom, we realized I never actually dressed up as Dorothy for Halloween though! I figure that it was probably because I spent every other day running around the house, dressing and acting the part so dressing up for Halloween would have been the same as any other day!
I first saw the movie back in the late 80s, as the movie was being re-released for the 50th Anniversary, so naturally, there was a surge of related merchandise available.
I have these really neat Effanbee collectors dolls from the late 80s, prior to Madame Alexander buying out the line and shrinking them down in size. The only 2 I am missing are the little Munchkin boy and girl, as my mom wanted to focus on getting all the main characters first and by the time we did, we could no longer find these 2. Mom told me if I ever found them online, like on eBay or Amazon or from some collector, to let her know, as she'd buy them for me to complete my Wizard of Oz doll collection.
(sorry about the glare!)
This postcard is also displayed in my doll case (it's behind the Tin Man doll). One of my best friends from Pre-school and Kindergarten sent me this, with her mom translating the message in small print underneath that they saw this and thought of me and had it to send it.
I also had a plastic Wizard of Oz snowglobe, however, being plastic, it got dropped and shattered. While looking online, I think I found it, but it's been over 20 years, we're not sure if this is the exact one or not, but my mom recalls the red base with the label and I remember the yellow brick with the cast walking on it (although I recall the cast looked more like the movie cast). We have an inkling this might be it though and I found a seller and inquired, so I might get my old snow globe back! Yay!
The Board Game. So this isn't the exact one that I have - it's buried somewhere in my parents basement if I had to guess, unless I stupidly sold it at a garage sale way back when (like I did with my case full of Ninja Turtle figures - yes, I still kick myself from time to time over that act of stupidity). It was your basic late-80s/early 90s board game - spin the flimsy spinner to tell you how many turns to go, move your piece around the board, lose a turn or go back several spaces, first one to the end wins! I hated that spinner though!
This is a poster that hung in the basements of the 2 houses I lived in growing up. It was actually still hanging in the current basement until recently too. It was a promotional one for the 50th Anniversary re-release.
This is a glass ruby red slipper that my grandma (dad's mom) had on display at their house. Since they live out in Pennsylvania, and we're in Illinois, I'd only get to see them maybe once a year when we visited. Grandma knew just how much I was into the Wizard of Oz and I used to always play with this glass slipper when I was at their house - I could even somehow squeeze my foot in it and try to walk in it! (LOL). Eventually she gave it to me and it's currently displayed on our shelf with my shotglass collection.
I also need to get myself a copy of The Wiz
And the books. I recently acquired a copy of the original story
When hubby and I went to Vegas for our honeymoon, we stayed at the Plaza at the end of Fremont Street and in the lobby was a 24hr McDonalds. This was how I discovered McDonald's had mini Wizard of Oz Madame Alexander toys! I got 2 while we were on our honeymoon and was able to get 2 different ones once we were back home, but unfortunately our McDonald's never got any different ones during the short period I had left to collect these. I see em on eBay from time to time though, so maybe someday I'll complete this 12 piece set. I have the Wicked Witch, the Wizard, The Scarecrow and the Ballerina Munchkin.
This piece I acquired last summer courtesy of my in-laws. We spent the 4th of July with hubby's family and out where they live, there's a lot of tents on the park grounds with different vendors selling handmade items. There was a lady who made several tin men and witches out of metal and soup cans. I saw these and knew the Tinman would be a great addition to my collection. My in-laws surprised me by buying to for me, wanting to help add to my collection. Right now it's just chillin' in our living room, as the majority of my collection is still at my parents house, but once we get a house of our own, I intend on setting up a whole display with all my Oz stuff.
Do you have a collection of anything?
You have an absolutely amazing collection! Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteYour obvious love of the classic has me wondering what you think of the remake of the Wizard of Oz which is being planned.
Aww thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteRegarding the new movie...
The premise sounds kinda like SyFy's "TinMan" only with a bigger budget...
Not thrilled about Dakota Fanning starring either, as I've never been much of a fan of hers.
TinMan was a reimagining of it though or a spinoff paying homage to the original through references, rather just a remake or direct sequel, which is why I didn't mind it.
Personally, I consider the only sequel to be Return to Oz (as mentioned above in the post) as that one included stuff from the original sequels Frank L. Baum wrote.
Very few remakes have I actually enjoyed so if they go for an actual remake, I probably won't like it (especially with Dakota Fanning) - I prefer the motto, if it ain't broke, don't fix it =)
Classics should be left alone.