I posted my Summer TV Recap of several shows hubby and I watched over the summer.
Since the Fall TV season is upon us, I thought I'd also share what I'm watching this TV season.
I plan on watching both Glee and No Ordinary Family.

I didn't watch
Glee when it first started airing, however after hearing a bunch of my friends and family on Facebook talk about it each week, I decided to check it out before it returned for the Spring and got all caught up when the new episodes started airing. I got hooked on it and enjoy it - sure it's a bit corny at times, but it's got some fun drama and the music and plot are both pretty good and enjoyable. For those not familiar with the show, Glee follows a school's glee club that is being threatened to be cut due to the school's tight budget. In order to not get cut, they have to make it to the regionals and nationals, etc to prove their an asset for the school, however many of the members seem to be the school's underdogs and get treated poorly by other students. It's got some typical high school drama with some adult drama thrown in as well. It airs at 8/7c Tuesdays on Fox.
No Ordinary Family, as I've heard it described before, is basically a live-action version of The Incredibles - a regular family suddenly gets super powers and abilities after their plane crashes in the Amazon River. The show follows them as they learn to live with their new powers and abilities while stopping the bad guys. Michael Chiklis (from The Commish and The Shield) stars as the dad in this series and it looks like it could be pretty good! It airs Tuesdays, starting next week at 8/7c on ABC.
Since Glee and No Ordinary Family both air at the same time, I'll probably end up watching Glee online in the days after it airs since hubby isn't a fan of musicals, much less a show about a Glee club with singing - I'm sure he'd much rather watch a live-action Incredibles instead.
On Wednesdays we tend to watch The Middle, Modern Family, South Park and Tosh.0.
The Middle stars Patricia Heaton (from Everybody Loves Raymond) as Frankie Heck - a working mother and wife living in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. When she's not working as a used car saleswoman with her friend and co-worker Chris Kattan, she's at home with her husband trying to raise 3 kids - slacker teen Axl, their younger unpopular teenage daughter Sue, and 7 year old son Brick who is a bit socially awkward and often reminds me of Dewy from Malcolm in the Middle. It airs Wednesdays on ABC at 8/7c.
Modern Family is another ABC sitcom starring Ed O'Neil as the Pritchett family patriarch. Ed O'Neils character Jay is the oldest and at the start of the series he is recently remarried to the much younger beautiful Columbian Gloria who is not much older than his kids. With Gloria is her young son Manny, who is about the same age as some of Jay's grandchildren. Also in the series are the families of Jay's daughter Claire and his son Mitchell. Claire is married to Phil and they have 3 children - a typical lovestruck teenage daughter Haley, brainiac daughter and middle child Alex, and a son named Luke whom Alex often uses her above-average knowledge on to often scare or prank. Mitchell is a gay man who has been with his partner Cameron for (I believe they said) 6 years and at the start of the series they recently adopted a little Vietnamese girl named Lily. The show often features multiple storylines in a single episode, interweaving all 3 parts of the family together somehow. It's pretty funny at times though and somewhat relatable. It airs Wednesdays on ABC at 9/8c.
South Park is South Park, plain and simple. However we enjoy the satire it does on pop culture and recent going-ons and find it to often be quite hilarious. Sure, some may find the content offensive, but it's all in good fun and honestly, nothing is safe or sacred on South Park - they point fun of it all! It airs Wednesdays at 10/9c on Comedy Central.
After South Park, we watch
Tosh.0, which is like The Soup's web clip spin off Web Soup, but so much funnier! Hosted by comedian Daniel Tosh, we get to see some hilarious clips that people have posted on the web while Tosh gives his commentary and thoughts on them. He also has some amusing segments, such as the weekly Web Redemption where gives the target of certain video that went horribly wrong or was just terribad in general a chance at redemption by doing their video over with better results. It's a pretty amusing show and airs Wednesdays on Comedy Central at 1030/930c.
Regular shows I watch on Thursdays are Community, The Office and I Love Money 4.

Last season on
Community, the show followed a group of students at Greendale Community college who were all taking Spanish 101 and 102 together and formed a bit of a study group. While the point of the study group was to focus on Spanish class, they all bonded together and became a bit of a family. Each character is pretty funny in their own right though and this season, needing a reason to keep their regular study group sessions, the group decides to take Anthropology together, which is taught by Betty White. The great thing about this show is all the classic movie and TV references, the variety of characters, and the pop culture references - it comes off as being really laugh out loud funny! This one stars The Soup's Joel McHale, Chevy Chase, and Ken Jeong (from The Hangover). It airs Thursdays on NBC at 8/7c.
The Office, now in it's 7th season, seems to be going strong and is more of the same old same old, but it's still pretty funny! Based on a short-lived British series of the same name starring Ricky Gervais, the premise of the show is that a documentary/reality TV film crew is taping the everyday going-on's at paper company Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Lead by clueless boss Michael Scott, the employees do their jobs the best they can, however it seems like there's always something going on at work! With an ensemble cast, there's plenty of characters to like, each often having some subplot of their own. I'm sure more people would be lining up to work office/desk jobs if their office was nearly as fun, crazy and hilarious as Dunder Mifflin is! Sadly though, this is the last season that Steve Carrell (who plays Michael Scott) will be in . It'll be interesting to see how they write him out and what will happen after his departure - many say they should just end the series with this as the last season, others are speculating over who will be the new boss. It airs Thursdays on NBC at 9/8c.
Last week I posted about the return of I Love Money with the previously unaired season 4. In this VH1 reality competition show, cast members from previous VH1 "...of Love" shows compete to win $250,000. They compete in different challenges while on teams, alliances are formed and people are voted/kicked off each episode. It's kinda like a VH1 version of Survivor, but with a lot more scandal, backstabbing and drama! It airs Thursdays on VH1 at 11/10c with various reruns late at night throughout the week.

Tonight we tried the new CBS show
$#*! My Dad Says starring William Shatner. Knowing it was based off a Twitter account and hearing the creator on a radio show awhile back, I thought it would be pretty funny... hubby and I were both pretty disappointed though, as it wasn't nearly as good or funny as we thought it would be - we only laughed a few times. In fact, I think we laughed more at Community's parody and mention of it in tonight's episode than we did at the actual show! (In Community, we learn that Troy has been living with Pierce over the summer and since the old man says some pretty funny stuff, Troy created a Twitter account called "OldWhiteGuySays" to share these gems of Pierce's. At the end of the episode, when it's revealed to Pierce what Troy has been doing, instead of telling him to close the account, he points out they have over 600,000 followers reading Pierce quotes and that they should cash on it - "we could turn it into a TV show!" he declares. The group pauses and then says "nah" and that that would never work, lol...).

Another new show we tuned into tonight was NBC's
Outsourced, which is about a guy who learns that the American novelty company he works for has recently outsourced their call center to India and in order for him to keep his job, he has to go over there and manage it. The show shows some pretty funny interactions and reactions when it comes to dealing with a clash of cultures as India and America are pretty different in the way they view things. This one seems to have potential and I'm sure we'll check into it for a few more episodes at least. It currently airs Thursdays on NBC at 930/830c while the show Parks and Recreation is on hiatus.

On Fridays we watch
The Soup on E!. Hosted by Joel McHale, we get to see some of the funniest clips from the previous weeks reality shows, talk shows, and other random shows. Joel gives some pretty funny commentary and thoughts on the clips, often pointing out the ridiculousness of some. There's also special celebrity guests that pop in from time to time. If you want a good laugh but don't enjoy much of what's popular on TV and only care for the highlights or funny parts, be sure to check out The Soup! It airs Friday nights at 10/9c on E! with reruns throughout the week.
Sundays in the fall are for football! Hubby's a big Cowboy's fan so we watch their games whenever we can (since they're not in our market, they don't always air every game up here - the Bears, Packers, Vikings and Colts games tend to take precedence if they're on the same time as the Cowboys).
What are you watching this fall?