So I realized I've been kind of scarce with posting this past week (I blame WoW) so here's a brief update on life.
Mom and me are on the left. |
Saturday morning I got up and went up to church for the annual Christmas women's luncheon they have every year called The Prepare Him Room where we eat a yummy dish, some dessert and listen to a guest speaker or 2. My mother-in-law and a friend of hers always put together a table for it each year as that's one of the highlights - a woman or a set of women each get a table to dress and decorate all Christmas-y. This year though, we had a decent snowfall Friday night and into Saturday morning (we got like 6 inches) and my in-laws live out in the country with a quarter-mile driveway that's a pain to shovel out in the snow. All my brother-in-laws were in town Friday staying with friends so the only one around to shovel was my 12 year old sister-in-law. They said she made a good effort, but they just weren't able to get out of their driveway, that's how bad it was out by their house! My mom and I still went to the luncheon but our table didn't have a centerpiece as my mother-in-law was bringing it into town with her - oops!
On Sunday, hubby and I attended his Verizon company's Christmas party which I had found out that afternoon I was allowed to go to too (previously they said no "dates" but an email went out Sunday afternoon retracting that). It wasn't great but I had fun getting dressed up nice and going out - it definitely beat sitting at home! I gave hubby my free drink tickets since I obviously can't drink (everyone got handed 2 tickets for alcoholic beverages). I did try a Virgin Bloody Mary but ugh, it tasted way too spicy and I couldn't drink more than 1/4th of it - Jay didn't seem to like it either. They also gave out door prizes - hubby (and I) won one of several $50 Visa giftcards - they were also giving out $25 BP gas cards and the grand prize was a phone.
Monday was kind of a crappy day for me.

Last week I had my glucose screening to test for gestational diabetes which is a form of diabetes that pregnant women can develop although it usually goes away. I "failed" the 1 hour version of the test so they had me come back in and do a 3 hour version (where you fast the morning of and they draw your blood and then draw it again every hour for 3 hours). Monday I got the results from that and turns out I have the gestational diabetes. It wasn't too much of a surprise as it seems to run in my family on my mom's side (my mom was borderline while her sister and mom both had it like I do) and they said at my last appointment that Jay is measuring a big bit for his gestation age which is common for women that have the gestational diabetes, but still... it sucks. I got a call today from the Maternal Fetal Medicine ward at our hospital to set up an appointment for next week to meet with a dietitian/nutritionist and schedule an ultrasound so we can get my gestational diabetes under control. I've started watching what I eat even more than I was going off outlines for it that I found online and started keeping a food log too so they can go over with me what I'm eating that I shouldn't. I keep telling myself, I only have to deal/suffer with it for 10 weeks or less... I just need to get past the holidays and all the sweets/cookies I have to miss out on this year =(
On top that, I was frustrated as my mom's been busy the last few weeks doing all the costuming for our church's Christmas production of A Christmas Carol this weekend and it seems I've been having the worst time trying to reach her lately and The Children's Place didn't need me to come in again - I guess things have been so slow out at the mall that they've called and cut my last few shifts and didn't need me to come in for my on-call/call-in shifts, which is a little frustrating. To top everything off, I couldn't find the shirt I was looking for and broke a nail in the process. Hormones got the best of me and I had a little bit of a breakdown (I hate when that happens!). Fortunately hubby came home from work soon after and insisted I snuggle with him, which helped me calm down.

The rest of the night turned out okay - we went to Best Buy to pre-order the new WoW expansion and I bought a wireless mouse for my laptop since I figure if I'm playing WoW on it, I'm going to need an actual mouse as the Dell trackpad is different than the Mac one I'm used to playing on. I ended up getting WoW later than night and taking advantage of the Expectant Mother parking they have at Best Buy and played the new expansion well into the morning, sleeping in late Tuesday.
A few packages arrived Tuesday and Wednesday. I had ordered this Holly Lites aroma melt warmer from Partylite as it's normally $20 but was listed as an internet special this month for $10 and goes great with our Christmas decor - now I'm just waiting for my Iced Snowberries aroma melts to come in so I can start using it. My dad's Christmas present also arrived too so I got that wrapped and put under the tree.
Speaking of the tree... I think Tiger's retarded this year. This is her 3rd Christmas with us and she's acting like she's never seen the Christmas tree before and won't leave it alone! She keeps knocking ornaments off (none of the breakable ones, thank God!) and stretching up into the tree... I don't get it! She was so much more behaved around it last year, this year she's a complete terror! And she doesn't listen or learn as we keep spraying her and putting her in "time out" in her crate/cage/kennel when she keeps it up!
Today was a so-so day. I was up late last night/this morning as I've been playing WoW while hubby is at work and he's been getting home about 4am lately. I was going to go to bed at 430am but made the mistake of checking Facebook one last time and got to chatting with a friend and yeah... time flew and next thing I know it's already 530am! I was in bed by 6am and I needed to get up by 930am as I thought I had work, however it took me a good hour or so to fall asleep (Jay's been kicking A LOT more lately, as it's clear he doesn't have a lot of room in there now). Anyways, I got up around 930am, ate something quick and showered and drove all the way across town to work. They didn't call me yesterday so I took that to mean it was okay to go in. Well, I was wrong - I walk and one of my bosses is like "Didn't we tell you last week we didn't need you to come in this week?" What she had said was that they weren't sure if they would need me and since they had called all the weeks before when they didn't, when I didn't get a call I took that to mean it was good for me to come in. I left promptly, a bit annoyed, but whatever. I had errands to run anyway so if anything it just made me get out of bed and dressed to get out and get em done.

Stopped by my mom's house for a bit to pick up tickets to the church Christmas program tomorrow and we ended up going out to hubby's Verizon store so my mom could look at a few phones she was interested as our plan has 2 upgrades available, Best Buy has some 6 day special where you can get decent smartphones for free or $1, and we have some promotional thing hubby put on our family plan where everyone gets the $29.99 data package for $9.99. My sister is getting the HTC Droid Incredible (it's $1 at Best Buy right now) and while my mom was planning on getting the LG Octane, the price on that one went up from $29.99 to $69.99. While she can use the internet on it, we learned that the GPS on it is through the VZ Navigator (since it's not an Android phone) which costs extra to use, so I got her looking at the LG Ally since she really wants a phone with an actual full QWERTY keyboard (she's iffy about full touchscreen phones like I originally was), would like to be able to use the Google Maps Navigation (she thought it was neat that I used my phone as a GPS when we drove to St. Louis and back to pick up our car after the accident), and would like to be able to check her email and Facebook from her phone since she doesn't always have time to get on the computer to check that stuff so she sometimes doesn't get an email or message for days at a time. She also wants a decent sized screen as she's getting old and wants to be able to store baby photos on it to show off to people and put her music on it too. It's currently free at Best Buy too. Hubby agreed with me, an Android phone would be best for her and the LG Ally is about the size she wants and has the keyboard too, so he showed her one of those. While he wouldn't recommend the Ally for someone more tech savvy, he said for my mom it would work just fine for her and her needs. He said she'll need a car charger if she's planning on using the GPS so he said he would get her one at cost for $5.

I stopped into Hobby Lobby to see if they had any Christmas-themed coasters as our Vegas ones don't really match our Christmas decor and I only found 2 in sets of 3 and wasn't thrilled about either. I found one I like on Zazzle, but they're sandstone ones and cost $9.99 EACH! A set of 4 Christmas-y coasters for under $10 is ideal... I guess I'll check Walmart next week. I also picked up my paycheck from The Children's Place and learned that I actually had 2 checks to pick up AND they totaled more than I was expecting to get! That was pretty sweet! Also, the mall was REALLY dead/slow for being 2 and a half weeks until Christmas - no wonder they keep canceling my shifts out there! I stopped by the bank on my way home and got stuck behind some guy in a truck doing 25-30mph in a 45mph, I'm assuming due to the snowfall that started this afternoon. Granted, the snow was covering the roads so you couldn't see icy patches as easily and was coming down pretty steady, but it wasn't THAT bad to be going THAT slow!
RIP Boy =( |
In hubby news... he got a mini-promtion/pay-raise at Verizon - he's now an assistant to the executive administrative of their company, although really he's not doing much more than he already was, he's just getting paid for the extra stuff he's been doing. He also found out this week that he got the 2 week Christmas overtime shift at UPS he was hoping to get. Sadly though, we learned tonight that one the dogs at his parent's house (they have multiple dogs and cats - it's like a mini zoo out there! lol...) suddenly died - it was their smaller dog named Boy and he was only 7. When we've talked about getting a dog of our own in the future, hubby always says he wants one that's a lapdog about the size of Boy. One of his brothers is pretty bummed out.
And that's been my week.
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