Since Christmas is tomorrow and today is Christmas Eve, I figured I would post this fun survey/meme that Caroline from So Caroline Says posted on her blog last week, as it's all about your Christmas favorites/dislikes.
Favorite Christmas Song:
"O Holy Night" by pretty much anyone or "Gloria" by Michael W. Smith. My church used to host a huge Christmas production with 5-7 shows in one weekend (it was a big city-wide affair) and they would ALWAYS perform this one near the end of the production. They stopped for several years due to cutbacks and other stuff and have recently started a Christmas production again (being a production of "A Christmas Carol" for the past 2 years now) and sadly don't include this one anyone... I really miss it as I always found it moving and inspirational!
Least Favorite Christmas Song:
That "Wonderful Christmastime" song. I think it's by Paul McCartney, you know, the one with the annoying 80's synthesizer and electronics in it and it's all "simp-ly, haaaaaaaving a wonderful Christmastime!" That song makes me nearly go ape as I CAN'T STAND the synthesizer and electronic noises in it, lol...
Favorite Christmas Movie:
A Christmas Story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the classic animated one, not the horrible live-action Jim Carrey one), National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Elf
Least Favorite Christmas Movie:
The Grinch (the horrible live-action one), a lot of the older "classic" movies from back in the day - no offense, but I've never really been a fan of most "old" movies.
Favorite Part Of Christmas Eve/Day:
Christmas Eve - getting together with my family and attending the Candles and Carols service up at church and then dinner and presents with my family.
Christmas Day - seeing how many times of 24hrs of A Christmas Story we can watch, getting together with my inlaws for presents and Christmas dinner.
Least Favorite Part of Christmas Day/Eve:
Waiting around for the food on Christmas Eve lol... and the drive out to my inlaws on Christmas day and that their house always seems cold to me.
Favorite Christmas Tradition:
The decorating and just the whole regular schedule/plan we have every year. And the shopping and wrapping of presents too!
Least Favorite Christmas Tradition:
Setting up the tree when it comes to fluffing it out and putting the lights and garland on - putting the ornaments on though is fun!
Wishes for this Christmas:
Decent weather (ie: not too cold with good drive-able conditions), that everyone likes what we've gotten them.
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