
Check out these Southern Survival Charms!

Have you guys met Nikki Darlin', one of my blog button swap buddies?

If you scroll down slightly and look to the <----left there you'll see a handful of buttons from fellow bloggers that I have swapped with. Nikki is one of them and she blogs over at Southern Mama with a Bad Mouth.

She's also recently started a shop on Etsy called Southern Survival Charms!

As she puts it:
"Southern Survival Charms are military survival bracelets with a little southern charm mixed in.  

Military men and women make them to help carry a large amount of paracord at one time. They're also given to their family as good luck bracelets. It was good luck for me. It helped me through and helped me feel closer to my husband while I was pregnant and he was deployed.

I love these bracelets so much and they are so much fun to make. I want other people to love them as much as I do. So my hubs and I started Southern Survival Charms. They're cute and fashionable."

Sounds pretty awesome to me!

In addition to the bracelets, they make some pretty neat key chains too!
So please be a doll and check out her shop - these items would make a great gift for a military spouse!

PS: If you'd like to be blog button swap buddies, feel free to take my button up there on the top left <----- column, display it on your blog and lemme know so I can be sure to add you on mine!

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