
Bloggerstock July 2010: Potential Postcards

http://bloggerstock.net/Bloggerstock/Badges_files/bloggerstock_badge4.jpgDo I have a special treat for you guys today (although I'm sure most of you won't see it til Monday, as Blogland tends to be a bit dead on the weekends)!

Today is Bloggerstock day!

What is Bloggerstock, you ask?

According to the official Bloggerstock website:
Most bloggers have heard of blog-swaps where bloggers are paired up and each writes a post for the other’s blog.  It is a way of sharing followers and just shaking things up on your blog.

We decided to take this idea to a different place.  Essentially what Bloggerstock aims to do is link a bunch of bloggers together in a “blog-ring.”  We will pick a common topic, starting line, or post title that all the participating bloggers will write about.  Then each blogger will post on the next blogger’s blog.  So, blogger 1 posts on blogger 2’s blog and 2 on 3’s and so on.  This way we create a series of related posts all linked together.
I first heard about it a few months backs and thought it would be fun to do, but missed the deadline for sign-ups that month and thought it was only a yearly thing. To my surprise, it turns out that Bloggerstock is monthly! So after learning that, I promptly signed up for the next month - which you too can do here, if you wish to join in for next month!

For this month, the topic is "Potential Postcards" and I have been assigned to make my post on my good Blogland friend Heather's Blog High Heels and Heat Transfers. So go visit her blog today and check out who I wrote my potential postcard to in the post I made over there for her.

Nadya, from Journey Keeper, has been assigned this month to post her Potential Postcard here at Point Me to the Sky Above. Nadya is a mother, not too much older than myself, and her blog is similar in subject matter to mine here, as she writes about her life and her thoughts and a whole range and variety of things that interest her - she has some really interesting and neat posts so I would suggest taking a bit and checking out her blog - Journey Keeper.

Take it away, Nadya!

I'm all for trying out new things even when I have to figure out how it all works as I go along.  So I joined Bloggerstock (www.Bloggerstock.net) thinking that this would be an easy way to get some exposure for my Blog (www.journey-keeper.com), as well as a fun way to interact with some of the residents of Bloggerville.  Ha!  The joke was on me, for sure.  'The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry' is the correct phrase to use here and at a certain stage I even thought I was going to have to cancel my first ever Bloggerstock, but luck returned and inspiration hitched a ride.  So, without further adieu, my manifistation of this month's BS topic (write a postcard to anyone, anywhere, anytime as long as the person is not fictional):

A little personal info that might let you in on what’s important to me and what not:  The greatest compliment anyone could ever give me is to say ‘you know your mother / Nadya / your daughter / your sister / etc., she’s always off somewhere, saving the world’.  The most valuable things currently in my house are my books and I wish they did not have to be printed on paper.   I love trees, forests and our earth and I believe in doing what I can to protect her and to speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves.  I believe that everything is infused with God and therefore contains spirit.  My brother refers to me as a modern day hippy.

Anyway, now that we know how weird I am, let me set the scene for you:
The year is 2018, six years after the current ‘Prophecies of Doom and the End of the World 2012’ have not come to pass, 8 years from now.

In 2011 through till 2012 the consciousness of the human race climaxed and the shift took over the world (imagine the days when the Age of Industrialization broke, then Materialism – it came slow and then snowballed.  This is like that, only completely different.).

World Peace came about in the early days of 2013.

Instead of United Nations we got United Earth, and like the name suggests, it did not consist of just a few countries.

Animal torture and enslavement was stopped all over the world and with the recognition of hemp as a viable material to make almost everything of, animal furs/skins, trees for paper and materials like cotton and the like, were no longer required.

Arms were laid down and eventually recycled.

Comities were raised to put some serious action into repairing what we had destroyed up until 2011.  These included re-habitising the zoo and aquarium animals (those that were not able to be reinstated into their natural habitat were returned to their homeland anyway and given farms to dwell on), repairing sites of mountaintop removal as well as deep earth mining, putting a stop to oil drilling whilst implementing serious solar / wind / hydro options for electricity.

By no means is this a return to the stone age.  Things are just more effective, peaceful, secure and coincidentally, sustainable. 

Personally, my family and I have gone to Indonesia to aid with a 5 year plan of reforestation. 

The postcard will be written on Hemp or Bamboo paper and will contain seeds so that it can be planted once the card has been read.  It will be known and won’t be printed on the side because the world right now KNOWS that everything is sustainable.

The stamp will be a United Earth stamp because the world is borderless, although we haven’t changed the names of countries or cities or such. 

My daughter, Erin, will be 9 years old.  She drew a little picture on the back of the postcard for her grandmother. 

On the front of the postcard will be a picture of what our Rainforests use to be.  On the inside.  This would be what we are aiming for in the very distant future.  We are rebuilding the soul of our world.

I would send the postcard to my mother because she is the only one who accepts me for who I am without making fun of me or mocking me.  She understands the seriousness of what’s important to me.  She is a healer, a reflexologist hence the PS.  She recently put her house in the market, I am putting in a note to the universe that I think the perfect place for her to set up again is in a suburb called Irene.  it's lush and green and almost like a little bit of country in the city (I would say big city, but that might mislead people from the USA where cities like NY is the standard).
All of this might seem a little Utopia or idealistic to some.  I agree.  But it is not impossible.  And that is the most important thing.

The postcard would read:

Hi mom, just to let you know we are done here in Indonesia.  The 5 year re-forestation plan has gone well.  We are on our way to Canada to witness the 3rd Peaceful Annual Mating and Breeding of the seals.  Will be gone for 8 months.  Communication might be sparse.  We will be home for Christmas this year though.  Will discuss further plans when we get there.  Erin is growing really fast.  She loved the jersey, gloves and scarf that you sent for her birthday and which will come in really handy.  Well, we're off. Got to get to the rest of the world.  All our love, Nadya, Eric & Erin.

(PS - Erin sends xoxoxoxox times infinity)

(PPS - how are things with your community planting projects?  And the healing and reading program?)

That would conclude my inspiration on this topic. Thanks for giving your sharing space, RAY J. Please check out my guest blogger, Bobby, and the postcard that he sent to his grandfather @ Journey Keeper.

You're very welcome, Nadya!

And don't you guys forget to head over to Heather's Blog, High Heels and Heat Transfers, to check out my Potential Postcard!

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