Hey everyone! So I know I haven't posted here in like forever!
Things are going good - Jay's in preschool now since turning 3 so he can continue speech therapy in school and I've taking to writing some fan fiction on fanfiction.net.
Anyways, I just felt like chronicling this 3 day "military" diet I decided to try.
Jay, my mom and myself went to visit my sister in Virginia Beach back in March and upcoming back I decided I needed to lose weight.
I weighed myself for the first time after counting calories for about a week or two via the My Fitness Pal app and was down to 189.5. I weighed myself this past Friday (about a month and a half into counting calories) and was down to 174.5 and had gone from a size 12 jean to a size 10 (go me!). My short-term goal is to be able to fit into my black "rocker" Tripp NY pants I used to wear in college by the time of the Powerman5000 concert this week. I tried them on last week and I can get them over my thighs... just need to get them over my bootilicious booty! They're a size 9, so I'm *really* close!
And because I'm soooo close to fitting in them but coming down to the wire on my goal deadline I decided to try the 3 Day "Military" Diet to see if it works - figured if it does, great! If not... oh well, at least I tried it!
So today was Day 1.
1 piece of wheat toast
2 tbsp of peanut butter
1/2 grapefruit
Coffee - black
1 piece of wheat toast
1/2 cup tuna
Coffee - black
1/2 banana
1 small apple
1 cup green beans
3oz turkey lunch meat (meat of your choice)
1 cup plain vanilla ice cream
Breakfast was okay, although coffee black was pretty gross! I don't understand people who drink it like that regularly - I need to load up on the creamer for flavor! I did feel a little dizzy though when I would stand up too fast.
Between lunch and dinner... I was literally starving, or so it felt. I ended up chewing gum while at work as it said you could have a piece gum so I did that to save myself as I feeling a little weak.
I was sooooo hungry by the time I finished my shift, dinner filled me great though! I will say though - I *hate* green beans! They're disgusting! I had about 2 bites left and almost gagged they were so gross! Thankfully, the menu for the next 2 days is all stuff I don't mind eating (no more coffee black or green beans!).
So I survived the first day of the diet, although I'm still hungry... Day 2 looks alright, although I'm dreading Day 3 as it looks like you don't eat much at all!
Feel free to check it out yourself - I've been referring to these 2 sites:
3 Day Military Diet
Lose Up To 10 Pounds In 3 Days On The 3 Day Diet
Wiki Famous!
Just had to take a second here and brag....
My mom brought it to our attention the other night as I guess she was trying to describe Gunpowder Fantasy to one of her weekly coffee ladies and when she did a Google search for more info it took her to the Historical Fantasy page on Wiki and listed it as a sub-genre. Under the Gunpowder Fantasy section it lists 3 examples of Gunpowder Fantasy authors - one of which is hubby!!!
How neat is that?
And no, he didn't edit himself into the Wiki page, I asked. It was just as much a surprise to him as it was to the rest of us =)
One of the other guys it lists is an older gentleman who mostly writes Warhammer novels for Games Workshop. So hubby's in good company it seems!
But yeah, here it is if you'd like to check out the Wiki page! It has a link right to hubby's website too which has all the info about his Gunpowder Fantasy series.
My mom brought it to our attention the other night as I guess she was trying to describe Gunpowder Fantasy to one of her weekly coffee ladies and when she did a Google search for more info it took her to the Historical Fantasy page on Wiki and listed it as a sub-genre. Under the Gunpowder Fantasy section it lists 3 examples of Gunpowder Fantasy authors - one of which is hubby!!!
How neat is that?
And no, he didn't edit himself into the Wiki page, I asked. It was just as much a surprise to him as it was to the rest of us =)
One of the other guys it lists is an older gentleman who mostly writes Warhammer novels for Games Workshop. So hubby's in good company it seems!
But yeah, here it is if you'd like to check out the Wiki page! It has a link right to hubby's website too which has all the info about his Gunpowder Fantasy series.
5 years...
Today the hubby and I celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary.
I'd like to say it's hard to believe it's been 5 years already, but in a way it's not...
In 5 years we've...
Needless to say, it's been a crazy 5 years! Hopefully the next 5 will be less dramatic =)
And while it's not an anniversary trip to Vegas like we had mentioned long ago (but sadly forgot about until it was too late to start saving for), we're planning on making our trip to see the Cowboys play the Bears in Chicago this December our anniversary gift! =D
Happy Anniversary hon! I love you!
I'd like to say it's hard to believe it's been 5 years already, but in a way it's not...
In 5 years we've...
- gone to Vegas
- gotten a cat
- totaled a car
- survived a major hurdle in our 1st year
- went through marriage counseling
- went to numerous weddings
- traveled to Dallas
- hit a buck
- had a baby and became parents
- bought a house
- lost jobs and gained others
- got a dog
- went through a major family crisis
- began raising a teen
- buried a parent
- and many other "minor" life experiences that are too numerous to recall off the top of my head.
Needless to say, it's been a crazy 5 years! Hopefully the next 5 will be less dramatic =)
And while it's not an anniversary trip to Vegas like we had mentioned long ago (but sadly forgot about until it was too late to start saving for), we're planning on making our trip to see the Cowboys play the Bears in Chicago this December our anniversary gift! =D
Happy Anniversary hon! I love you!
That time I wrote a fanfic...
A little plug for myself here...
I wrote a fanfic.
As dorky as that sounds...
I believe I've mentioned it before but I got into Gossip Girl last summer (2012) right before the final season started and needless to say, I'm sort of having withdraws at no new episodes, rewatching a good chunk of the series and favorite episodes and reading some fanfics to help fill the void. I'm also a Chuck & Blair (aka Chair) shipper (Dan and Blair - Dair - was just ewwww!).
I was a little disappointed to find that there were no fanfics with alternate endings to the 100th episode with Blair's royal wedding (or at least none that I could find) so I decided to write my own and post it on fanfiction.net.
Feel free to read it and even review!
I haven't really written much fanfiction ever so this was kind of a first, but I like how it turned out. I wrote it all in one day too as once I started it just kinda flowed.
Thanks in advance!
I wrote a fanfic.
As dorky as that sounds...
I believe I've mentioned it before but I got into Gossip Girl last summer (2012) right before the final season started and needless to say, I'm sort of having withdraws at no new episodes, rewatching a good chunk of the series and favorite episodes and reading some fanfics to help fill the void. I'm also a Chuck & Blair (aka Chair) shipper (Dan and Blair - Dair - was just ewwww!).
I was a little disappointed to find that there were no fanfics with alternate endings to the 100th episode with Blair's royal wedding (or at least none that I could find) so I decided to write my own and post it on fanfiction.net.
Feel free to read it and even review!
I haven't really written much fanfiction ever so this was kind of a first, but I like how it turned out. I wrote it all in one day too as once I started it just kinda flowed.
Thanks in advance!
Riddick Review

I gotta say, while it was entertaining, I was a bit disappointed - it basically felt like a Pitch Black reboot.
It starts out with Riddick injured and left for dead on a strange desolate planet. In a brief flashback we see how he came to no longer be the Necromonger Lord Marshall that he was awarded at the end of Chronicles of Riddick and how he got stuck on this new planet. The first portion of the film is basically Riddick tending to his wounds and living off the land with a dingo pup while fighting off the planet's predator creatures. Then he sees a storm brewing and with the storm, comes deadly predators (kinda like in Pitch Black, with the darkness comes the predators) so it's time to make an exit off the planet. He lures some bounty hunters to his location with a plan of commandeering one of their ships to make his escape.
So in short, the majority of the film is Riddick trying to get off the planet before all hell breaks loose, just like in the first film of the series.
Yeah... I was disappointed.
Even in Chronicles he got trapped on a planet he had to escape from but it didn't take up the whole movie.
In this one, the plot barely moves forward.
I would have liked to have seen more between Riddick and Vakko (Karl Urban) and the Necromongers and his quest to find Furya...
I did like the interaction between him and his pet dingo dog, despite the animal's fate being predictable.
Any of you guys see it yet? Thoughts?
By the way, this meme totally cracks me up:

The time Jay gave me a mini heart attack

It was a fun time, for the most part.
Hubby and I had our regular fair food favorites - boy scout baked potatoes, boy scout sweet corn, Merry Maids ice cream... etc.
We spent time walking the exhibits and booths, Jay refused to go near the petting zoo, we caught the end of some dueling pianos and watched a magic show.
Eventually we headed over to the midway to play some games and ride some rides.
Jay won a ball from the pick-a-duck game and then I decided to try my luck with the quarter betting game where you pick a color and they let a mouse run around and pick the winning color. I had a dollar or 2 worth of quarters and decided to spend them. Hubby stood a few feet away with Jay in the stroller while his sis and her friend watched behind me.
I played my last quarter and looked over to hubby to see if he was ready to go. Then I looked down at the stroller and there was no sign of Jay. I looked at hubby to see if he had picked him up, but nope. I looked over at hubby's sis and her friend to see if maybe they had picked Jay up... nope! I asked hubby where Jay was - he got this puzzled confused look on his face, looked down at the stroller and had the same panicked look I had. I asked his sister and her friend if they saw him, when I said no I told them to start looking. They both were on the verge of panicking too.
Fortunately I had dressed him in a bright red shirt for this exact reason - to make him easy to spot if he wandered off! Well, that's exactly what he did - something caught his eye, he climbed out of the stroller (as we didn't bother fastening him in as he was doing fine all evening) and took off. Hubby found him a few seconds later wandering back behind one of the booths, grinning when he saw daddy coming towards him.
He gave mommy a mini-heart attack though! So glad he was safe and unharmed though! I don't even want to think about what could have happened!
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