How this award show differs from the Oscars or Golden Globes is that the fans and viewers get to vote for the movies and actors they want to win. It also focuses more on the movies that are popular and “fun” than the artsy, more serious ones.
I voted, but like last year, I wasn't thrilled that Twilight: New Moon had nominations in most of the categories.
This caused me to almost consider not watching it this year, as last year Twilight won a ton of awards it shouldn't have.
But I gave the show the benefit of the doubt.
And I joined the millions of others on Twitter that were watching and discussing – it definitely makes a live award show more fun! (Apologizes to those that feel they got spammed! It's not a common thing I do often - I swear!)
Anyways, for those that missed it, here's it how the 2010 MTV Movie Awards went down, with my Twitter posts (in purple italics):
Watching #mtvmovieawards - let's hope Twilight DOESN'T win everything it's up for like last year ><
Aziz Ansari (from Parks and Rec) is the host, his opening clips and monologue is okay, Jaden Smith is a cutie!
First award is Best Female Performance, Kristen Stewart wins
Has anyone told Kristin Stewart's fans that just cuz she plays Bella doesn't mean she is Bella? That girl can't act...
I also saw another person Tweet staying that they don't want to live in a world where Kristen Stewart beats out Sandra Bullock for best actress! I'd hafta's pretty sad!
Russell Brand, Jonah Hill and P. Diddy are presenting the award for Breakout Performance; Russell and Jonah are having a Team Edward vs Team Jacob moment, Diddy is confused and eventually walks off the stage, as he doesn't care about Team Edward or Team Jacob
I'm with Diddy, I don't care either lol...
Anna Kendrick wins the award for her performance in Up in the Air, although you know all the Twilight fangirls voted for her because she's also Bella's human best friend Jessica in Twilight.
Only reason she won was cuz shes in Twilight too... shoulda been Gab, Aaron or Zach...
I'm sure she did great in the movie (haven't seen it yet, it's coming up on my Netflix queue though) as she was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actress, but I really think this should have gone to the Gabourey Sidibe from Precious, Quinton Aaron from the Blindside, or Zach Galifanakis from The Hangover – they all gave great performances!
lol Tom Cruise is still crazy...
Tom Cruise is dressed in a fatsuit as his character from Tropic Thunder (which I haven't seen) and is continuing his bit from the opening clips of the show, and now dancing onstage in it with J. Lo
Next award is Best Scared as S**t Moment, Amanda Seyfried wins for Jennifer's Body.
I liked Zombieland and D9 better... at least it wasn't Twilight!
Next is a sneak peak extended trailer of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1
Oooh new Harry Potter 7.1 clip - I can't wait to see it this winter!
I heard/saw on Twitter that many were having nerd/geek-gasms over this one! I know I can't wait!!
lol kiss cam - cute idea
The next award is for Best Kiss, but before the award and nominees are presented, we are given the “kiss cam” much like you see at sporting events, where they zoom in people and you see them kiss onscreen. There were some cute ones and some funny ones!
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart win the award for Best Kiss. Again. Yeah, they won it last year too.
Booooo at best kiss - should be a rule you can't win 2 years in a row as the same characters... they're acting stupid too
The general rule is that you kiss your co-star again upon receiving this award, they “tried” to be “cute” and “funny” by staging an awkward kiss that was really more dumb that funny.
Katy Perry's new song is kinda dumb...
She performs her latest song “California Girls” with Snoop Dogg while having shiny blue hair.
Yay for the generation award - an award Twilight CAN'T win!
Next up is the special Generation Award for Sandra Bullock
Betty White's hilarious! Grats to Sandra Bullock tho!
Betty, Bradley Cooper and Scarlett Johansson are presenting it to her, Bradley comments about his experience with her on All Above Steve, Betty White describes Speed as 28 Days, Crash as Speed, and Miss Congeniality as Blindside. It was pretty funny though! Scarlett Jo declines to say anything.
lol she asked what most were wondering - why is Scarlett Jo there? Forgot about the Ryan Reynolds connection lol...
Sandra asks Scarlett Jo why exactly she's there on stage – something many on Twitter were wondering too. She responds that Ryan Reynolds (her husband and Sandra's co-star in The Proposal) couldn't be there and she wanted to represent in case him and Sandy won Best Kiss.
Best WTF Moment, sponsored by Orbit Gum is up next, causing lots of “bleeps” to happen as part of the bit by the cast of Scott Pilgram Saves the World is presenting. I just now realized that Emma Stone is Mona - I didn't recognize her with the horribly done pink hair in the trailers!
Yay! One of my votes won - @KenJeong for best WTF moment for The Hangover!
Aziz Ansari is singing a song about Avatar that he claims R. Kelly was supposed to sing but he missed his flight because he was too busy watching his favorite movie, Avatar. He also throws out a F--- you to BP.
lol @ Aziz's Avatar song
The Rock is one of the presenters for Best Villain
The Rock looks funny with a mustache and goatee....
Marky Mark and Will Ferrell are hanging above them on wires, Marky Mark is dropping f-bombs like they're hot, MTV sensors miss one of 'em.
Tom Felton (aka Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter) wins Best Villain
Meh Malfoy for best villain... I liked Christoph Waltz better but at least it's not Twilight!
Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith are 2 of the 3 presenters for Best Badass Star
Will Smith's kid is a cutie!
Rain wins for his role in Ninja Assassin – quite the pleasant surprise! I voted for Angelina but figured it would be Channing Tatum - I was about to Tweet that starring in chick flicks and Step Up doesn't = badass!
Wow Rain for best badass star - that's kind of a surprise! I liked him in Speed Racer! :-D
Twilight's Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner are introducing a scene and extended trailer of Eclipse.
Get these 3 and this crap off my screen please... cept for Lautner, he's a cutie...
Next is the award for Best Male Performance – Robert Pattinson wins, no surprise there as this show seems to be run by Twilight fangirls. I voted for Zac Efron only because out of the nominees, 17 Again was actually a pretty good movie.
Best male... no surprise there, stupid Twilight fangirls... 17 Again was actually a decent movie....
They also announce that Pattinson is receiving the Global Superstar award, which hands down should have been Johnny Depp's award – not Twilight or Harry Potter's!
Hell no! Global superstar too?! That SHOULDA been Johnny Depp's award!
Christina Aguilera is performing onstage a medly of songs from her new album
Not really a fan of this latest Xtina reinvention of herself... too much Madonna meets Gaga
A commercial for a new MTV show is on, called Warren the Ape
Warren the ape reminds me of Greg the bunny and that Sifi and Ollie show...
The award for Best Comedic Performance is on – I'm happy about this one.
Yay for Zach from The Hangover for best comedic performance - he was hilarious in that movie!
Cameron Diaz with messy hair and Tom Cruise (sans fatsuit) are presenting the Best Movie award while plugging their movie Knight and Day (in which Tom Cruise plays himself – crazy and neurotic! I think he's found his latest niche to play in movies, everyone!)
Cameron's hair looks like a hot mess
Twilight: New Moon wins Best Movie
Booo Twilight... kinda like this song playing tho... still any of the other movies would have been better for this award
The New Moon director gives a thank you speech filled with f-bombs, 4 of which were not “bleeped.”
Wow... 4 uncensored f-bombs in a row... censor fail, lol...
And it's over for this year!
I had a lot of fun though - I can't wait for the SpikeTV Man Awards (or is it the Scream Awards?) as those tend to agree with me and how I vote for em better! Maybe, if it's trending on Twitter, I'll follow that one and participate as well – we shall see!
Sorry again for the spam, to those of you on Twitter!
Did you watch the MTV Movie Awards this year?
What do you think of the award outcomes?
Did you agree or disagree with who won?
Who do YOU vote for?
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Enter up til noon (cst) on Monday, June 14!
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