First up - How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell
I personally find this to be hilarious and sad, but true, being a graphic artist. So many times you'll meet someone that wants you to fix something design-wise, so you talk it over with them and appear to be on the same page so you go and design them something AWESOME. You show it to them and... it's not what they had in mind. They keep making suggestions and by the time you get to the final version, it looks just as terrible as the original and you don't want to take credit for it.
2. The Mosquito Ringtone
I saw this product on HSN a week or so ago and then saw a late-night infomercial for it a few days later. Basically, it's an at home silkscreen printing machine. I took an Intro to Printmaking class in college and when we did silkscreen printing, I wish we had this product! We had to do everything the old school hard way and our results weren't nearly as crisp and clear as it looks like you get with this product. If it weren't nearly $250 I would definitely get one of these for myself!
4. How to Write a Nicholas Sparks Movie (by
5. An article that Men Create More Housework for Women
I don't know about you, but I found this to be true! It goes on to say that guys create 7 hours of extra work around the home for us women each week, from picking up after them, to making them food, to putting their clothes away, and countless other chores. I thought it was an interesting article.
Saving the best for last - 9 Awesome Star Wars Propaganda Posters
A friend posted a link to this on Facebook and I just had to share it! These are just a few of my favorites, although they're all neat! Check em out!
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